My Wife 

Have you ever stepped back and truly appreciated someone? It’s not something any of us do often, which is why it’s all that much more significant when you do. 

My wife is a normal wife, loves the small things, likes her home clean and smelling nice, bakes bread and tries to make everyone happy. Most of the time she succeeds in this, but unfortunately people don’t always notice….her husband included.

What he does notice is how she can bring a smile to any sad face, or how she always has the time for a child to show her something or tell her about their day. How she goes to work, body aching, tired and sore, yet doesn’t miss a beat, makes everyone around her happier and gives 110% all day because she has to much integrity to be a slacker and needs to take care of her family because her husband was laid off. 

He also notices the little shade of sadness in her eyes when she hasn’t seen her child in a long time, or when her husband didn’t notice how hard she worked all day to make him a nice meal. 

He notices how no matter what life throws at them, she retains her resolve and looks for the positive in most any situations. If she does slip and have a mild breakdown, it only lasts a short while and then she comes back with more fire than ever. 

He notices how beautiful her smile is when she is truly happy, how her eyes light up and her face seems to shine. How her eyes will well up with tears when someone has done something thoughtful for her. The appreciation she shows to everyone for any act of kindness no matter how big or small.

He notices how tough she is in the face of adversity, how she will dig her heels in and fight for what’s right, or how she will let something go that’s not productive to a happy life. 

He notices just how beautiful she is when she wakes up in the morning with a smile, or how loving she is even when the puppies jump all over her at 5 am because they want breakfast and damn the time anyway. 

He notices how much more he could be doing to make her happy, to help her around the home and to keep her from having to hurt her small body working day in and day out. 

He notices how proud he is to be able to call her “his wife” and how ashamed he is that she seems to be taking care of everything and he isn’t contributing.

Most of all he notices how much he loves her, and how he would do anything to make her smile. he notices how much love is inside of her and that puts him at ease, knowing that come whatever may, he will have the love of this woman to keep them strong. 

To my loving wife, I have never deserved you, yet I’m so proud to be able to call you “My Wife”

I love you

#love #loveislove #marriage 

Our World

Ah the Internet, such a vast space of useless (and useful!) information and opinions. The reason I’m mentioning this is because today, while browsing the news I happened upon a story about the Turkish vote on EU quotas. This in turn made me reflect on all the anti refugee Facebook posts I have witnessed, as well as belly aching over our Prime Minister Trudeau giving billions in aid while apparently not taking care of our own here at home. These same people forget very quickly about our homeless or military vets when there isn’t a story about a large financial aid payment to Syria or any other nation. I have yet to witness any of them bring up these issues unprompted or actually go out and fight for their cause that they are so passionate about when they disagree with some political move; be it financial aid or otherwise. Which in turn got me thinking again…..why are we so suspicious, so bitter, so afraid of HELPING other PEOPLE?

It’s been my observation that people in general are becoming quite disconnected from one another. So much technology to bring us together and yet it seems to have pushed us all further apart. We need to slow ourselves down, we need to lend a hand to one another, help those in need, stand up against tyrants and wrong doing and yes as foolish as it may be…actually trust one another.

It all sounds beautiful in theory, achieving such wild goals would be almost impossible! However, I believe in the human spirit and the good of man kind. And if it only achieves a little self peace, I will still sleep better at night knowing that I have tried to make a difference.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, imagine walking down a rocky and rutted dirt road, only the clothes on your back, behind lies bombs and bullets, death and pain. Ahead lies unfamiliar territories, angry borders and refugee camps full of thousands of people desperate, afraid and as lost as you. Paints an ugly picture, the kind of that most of us like to tune out. The kind that you say “that could never happen here”.

But for a second just imagine you really are there, on that rutted road, or in that refugee camp….maybe even with your family. Now imagine that no one will help. No one sends aid, you have no refugee camp to find safety in, no food or water to feed your thirsty soul. No shelter for your family to sleep in. Angry mobs line the borders, intent on keeping you OUT. No one will help

Just imagine……

Help come in many forms…..from simply making someone smile to providing a safe haven to a Person or family fleeing a war ravaged country. You don’t need to be rich, you don’t need to contribute much at all.

All you need to do is care.


-Just an unemployed oil sands worker making an observation. Thank you for reading

#love #compassion #canada #alberta