
So we have all read that story of the man who asks his wife for a divorce because he is having an affair and all she wants is 30 days of normalcy and for him to carry her like he did at their wedding, every morning. then he smartens up but comes to find out she had cancer and has passed. it’s a nice story and I’m not ashamed to admit that it tugs on my heart strings quite a bit. 

When I think  of my own wife, I often wonder how someone could do such a thing, treat someone they once loved with such disrespect. Let’s be clear: I believe marriage is for Life.  She is such a delicate, compassionate, loving, caring and soft woman. Every day I have the good fortune of actually waking up, and getting to see her beside me is such a gift, a blessing. 

She shows me how sometimes two souls are just so intertwined that you can’t bear the thought of being without them for even one moment. She is the air I breathe and the sun that shines. I’m literally speechless sometimes when I see her smiling at me. Just such a perfect vision of beauty and kindness. I can’t even imagine life without her in it. 

I also can’t imagine finding out I’d lost her one day, how I could live without her here with me, to share this journey that is life. It terrifies me to no end. The point being of all this is that if you have someone, and you love them, you need to show them, tell them. 

Make them a nice supper for when they come home from work, hold their hand when they’re scared at a stupid show or hug them tight when they have experienced a loss. Words are pretty, but actions are real. Small things like making their favorite food or picking up their favorite flowers or even just writing a little note can make all the difference. Show them as often as you can how much you love them. I have no fear, in this life and all others, I will be sure to find her, because love isn’t just a lifetime and death isn’t an ending. I will Love her for all time, and when that ends I will love her still more, because I believe our souls are intertwined and we will love together for eternity. 
#loveislove #lovewins #life #marriage

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